Colorescience is a pure physical sunscreen and not a chemical one. 100% mineral, means 100% safe, hypoallergenic, no fragrances, no preservatives, nothing to cause allergy. There’s a color for everyone and a variety of shades to match most complexations. My favorite product is the Sunforgettable Total Protection Brush of Shield. It is convenient and allows you to reapply on top of your previous layer of sunscreen, your makeup, or bare skin. Perfect for faces, ears and even your scalp. Highly effective sun protection, with 22.5% zinc oxide, 22.5% titanium dioxide, and iron oxides, it protects against the damaging UV rays that cause skin cancer and skin aging, as well as blue light and infrared that cause hyperpigmentation. A must have.
Please contact us if you have any questions about how our products can complement other aspects of your skin treatment and skin care regimen.